Saturday, March 17, 2012

March Madness.

Today I just realized how much March hates me. When I was 16 my dad past away. When I was 17 my first "real" boyfriend broke up. I got away clean for a couple of years and now at 21 in March my first love broke up with me. March won't let me catch a break. And now it is St. Patricks day and I am sick as a dog, so I am sitting at home.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sometimes a bitch just snaps.

"Sometimes a bitch just snaps" - Khloe Kardashian.
I have to say when I was watching tv the other day and heard her say this I related to this quote. Scary I know, but allow me some explanation. This January on New Years Eve as I watched the fireworks go off on the strip I thought to myself "this year let me make a resolution I will actually keep." The last 4 years my New Years resolution has always been the same: To get fit and get good grades. Unfortunately, I have not been successful. This year's resolution was to keep in touch with my family more (hence the blog) and to travel. So far I have to say I have been doing a good job :) About a month ago I went to Belize for 9 days to spend my best friend Josette Gentile for her R and R. She is currently serving in the army in Afghanistan. Her aunt and uncle just retired there so she killed two birds with one stone by seeing family and visit a beautiful location. I spend most of the time down there vegging and hanging out. When I came home I decided this year would be my year. Resolution or not I just "snapped." The first weekend I came home I went to my first Bikram Yoga class and I have to say I loved it. The sweat and the calmness your mind takes when doing yoga was surprisingly relaxing. I decided to start taking dance classes again. I am starting to slowly feel my body move the way it used to. I am more limber and incorporating exercise back into my life I feel happier and more energized than ever. With exercising I decided to start eating better. Of course once in a while I will eat one piece of bread (I try for my maximum to be one piece every two days) or slide a sweet in. To my surprise it has not been difficult to eat well either. With my other old resolution I have been doing well this semester in school so far. Keep in mind we are only 2 months in, but I have all A's and B's. This I have not achieved since... ohhh 7th grade. I'm not sure what my new mentality is. Maybe it's the fact that I have not put any pressure on myself to have a deadline or an itinerary for my success. Or maybe it's the fact that I am in a long distance relationship and all my time is to myself (and Fonzi of course). Whatever the reason I am glad I am finally finding some self discipline.
I have to say I am pretty happy right now :)

I hope that my happiness becomes infectious to those around me.
I have been meaning to set up a blog but just have not had the chance too. So when I am about to go to sleep and really should be doing homework I figured it was a perfect time! Of course. No one I know blogs... except my family in Utah (it must be a Utah thing), so this will be perfect to keep in touch with all of them :) With that said here is my blog!